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How it works?

1. Choose a tutor

Read the description of each tutors

and choose your ideal tutor. 

If you have difficulties in choosing a tutor,

you can get a recommendation with this form.

2. Book a trial lesson

Check the schedule of the tutors and book a trial lesson.You can book a trial lesson if you click on the time and then press next.

Tell your tutor your objectives of learning Korean,

your level, and your timezone.

Your tutor will customize all the classes

based on your needs. 

3. Learn Korean with your tutor!

You'll get a link for the class.

Start the journey of learning Korean!

Making the classes in a regular basis

will help you learn fast.


4. Review with the provided materials.

Reviewing after each classes is the most important thing you need to do

Tutors will provide you the materials to review, and also some videos to watch related to what you have learned.

Tutor recommend

If you need help
choosing a tutor

We'll make you a recommendation for you based on this form.

What is your purpose of learnig Korean?

Thank you!

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